Loves of My Life: Bella Maclean and Catriona Chandler

The best interviews are often the most personal. In Loves of My Life, we get to know the person behind their craft, asking them the important questions we’re desperate to know—the restaurants and date-night spots, what’s in their Saved folder on Instagram, the piece of jewellery they’re most attached to and what’s lurking at the bottom of their handbag. In short, these are the true loves of their life. Next up are actresses Bella Maclean and Catriona Chandler, stars of Disney + Tv Series Rivals.

What’s your #1 restaurant to visit in the world, and what do you order?

“Easy. It has to be Cafe Cecilia’s soda bread and butter!” – BM
“It’s not a restaurant exactly, but Bella and I went on a food tour called Oaxacan in Oaxaca and it was the best food I’ve ever eaten in my life!” –CC

Is there anything in your wardrobe that you’re particularly sentimental about?

“I’ve got a pair of black cargo trousers from Margaret Howell that are always glued to me.” -BM
“Mine is a
Scottish kilt that I got from my granny as a baby, it definitely doesn’t fit me anymore, but it’s very sentimental.” –CC

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(Image credit: Getty Images, @catrionachandler, @bellamaclean)

What would we always find lurking in the bottom of your handbag?