These 6 Shoe Styles Will Always Suit This Sophisticated Anti-Denim Trouser Trend

In our search for elegant bottoms that always make us appear put together but are still practical enough to throw on and go, there’s always one style that feels a cut above the rest: Satin trousers. Where this style offers ease and comfort, it’s often the case that sourcing shoes to wear with satin trousers is anything but.

The silky fabric, especially when worn low-waisted and slightly skimming the ground, injects any ensemble with a sense of glamour and occasion, even if you’re styling them around a casual cashmere sweater or chunky knitwear. They’re low maintenance, too, meaning our mornings are no longer spent standing in front of our wardrobes begging for Cher Horowitz’s styling tool from Clueless to help us piece together a look before we’ve even had our first coffee.

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