Jack Canfield, the co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, says comparing yourself to other people is a “fast track to unhappiness.” Comparison distorts our vision. One moment, we see all that we have – the next, we see all that we wish we had.
When our focus is directed outward, we think everybody else has more money, better homes, and nicer cars. We think they’re smarter, more talented, and better looking – or they have happier marriages and better-adjusted children. Rather than feeling blessed in all that we have, we grumble over all that we don’t.
The antidote to comparison is gratitude. In Philippians 4:11, the Apostle Paul says, “I have learned, whatever my situation, to be content.” For context, Paul offered that description of peace while jailed in a Roman prison – essentially, a dungeon. His circumstances were cold, damp, and miserable. And yet, Paul chose to be content anyway.
According to Paul’s view of the world, a satisfying life isn’t about enjoying an abundance of external wealth but an abundance of inner wealth. Contentment isn’t rooted in favorable circumstances but in appreciating what we have, as much in times of need as we do in times of abundance.
Gratitude invites us to experience a richer, more peaceful life by recognizing we already have enough, right here, right now, just as we are.