Apple updates its beta testing service Testflight with redesigned invites and more

Apple’s beta testing service Testflight just got a fairly substantial update, according to a report by TechCrunch. The software refresh gives developers much more control over who can join a beta and how new features are shared. It also allows beta testers to get more information about an app before they dive in.

Developers will be able to set all kinds of criteria as to who can or cannot access the beta. This should help devs narrow the test groups to specific audiences, like those using a particular device or OS version. Testflight offers a maximum of 10,000 invitations by default, so this should help reserve spots for an intended audience. The developers can also now decrease this maximum number to whatever they want.

The update allows for more control over the beta invites, as they can highlight new features and content. Apple says that beta builds of apps that have already been approved for publication can now include screenshots and the app category along with the invite.

App creators will also be able to view metrics regarding the success of a beta invite, which includes information as to how many people viewed the invite, who opted in and why folks declined.

As for users, beta invites can include a feedback field. This is for people to let the developer know why they chose not to download an app.

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