I'm Going to Capri Next Week—Here Are the Exact Items I'm Considering Buying for My Trip

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In just over a week, I’m headed back to the island of Capri, repeating my trip from last summer down to the lunch and dinner reservations. Of course, while my itinerary is nearly identical, one thing that will definitely change is my vacation wardrobe. Sure, it will be in the same vein as years’ past with a few of my favorite old pieces sprinkled in, but when half the fun of traveling is the shopping, you know I have to throw some new and exciting purchases in there.

And just what is in my cart? Quite a lot. In fact, way too much. But, in an effort to hold myself accountable and narrow things down, I figured I’d put it all out there for myself (and you) to see before I start making the hard cuts. Curious to see what’s on my many wishlists and in all my carts? Simply keep scrolling for a behind-the-scenes look.

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