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cover of Blues in Stereo by Langston Hughes, curated by Danez Smithcover of Blues in Stereo by Langston Hughes, curated by Danez Smith

Blues in Stereo by Langston Hughes, curated by Danez Smith

The collection was just released in November, and why I recommend it before other Hughes collections is because it’s curated by Danez Smith, another acclaimed queer Black poet who counts themself as a literary descendant of Hughes. They open with an introduction to their experience with Hughes’s work, and how it guided them on a path to becoming a poet themself. They then give a brief account of the importance and impact of Hughes’s work, not only for Black Americans, but for the entire American literary canon. Hughes wrote back in history and dignity for a people who, at the time, were being denied both. He summoned our ancestors with his talk of rivers and fitted his lines with notes of jazz.

On Hughes’s time in Harlem, Smith wrote: “In Hughes’s Harlem, there’s a wild, queer, and loving brood of Black artists, each one talented and each one aware of art’s potential to break open the world. Hughes lived this and it is felt in his poems.”

Reading the context provided by Smith gives more weight to the poems gathered, which include published and unfinished work from the formative years of Hughes’s career. If you’d like to learn more about the project, Smith speaks more about their process in this conversation in The Emancipator.

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