The role of epigenetics in fertility: Can lifestyle choices affect future generations?

Epigenetics has revolutionized our understanding of how lifestyle factors—such as diet, stress, exercise, and environmental exposures—affect fertility. Unlike genetic mutations, which change the DNA sequence, epigenetic changes modify how genes are expressed without altering the DNA itself. These changes occur through mechanisms such as DNA methylation and histone modifications, and they play a critical role in fertility. Even more intriguing, these epigenetic changes can be passed down to future generations through epigenetic inheritance.

What is DNA methylation?

DNA methylation involves the addition of a methyl group (CH3) to cytosine bases in DNA, often in regions known as CpG islands. This process acts as a regulatory switch, turning genes “on” or “off” by controlling the accessibility of the DNA for transcription. DNA methylation is essential in processes like gametogenesis (the development of eggs and sperm), embryo implantation, and placental function. Aberrant methylation can lead to infertility, pregnancy complications, or developmental issues.

A study published in Nature Communications (2020) demonstrated that paternal diet could alter DNA methylation patterns in sperm, affecting offspring’s health and reproductive potential. This highlights the profound impact of lifestyle choices on fertility.

Histone modifications: tuning gene expression

Histones are proteins around which DNA is wound, forming a structure known as chromatin. The tightness of this winding is influenced by modifications to histones, which determine whether genes are accessible for transcription. Histone modifications, such as acetylation, phosphorylation, and ubiquitination, regulate gene expression and are essential in fertility.

1. Acetylation. Histone acetylation adds acetyl groups to histones, weakening their grip on DNA and allowing for gene transcription. This modification is crucial in the development of eggs and sperm. When acetylation is disrupted, genes required for gametogenesis may not be expressed properly, leading to fertility issues.

2. Phosphorylation. Phosphorylation involves the addition of phosphate groups to histones, playing a key role in chromatin structure regulation during cell division and DNA repair. In fertility, phosphorylation ensures proper chromatin condensation, which is essential for gamete maturation. Defects in phosphorylation can lead to chromosomal abnormalities, which negatively impact fertility.

3. Ubiquitination. Histone ubiquitination marks histones for degradation or modification, regulating gene expression. This process is vital during early embryonic development. Disruptions in histone ubiquitination can impair embryo implantation, leading to miscarriage or infertility.

Diet and epigenetics

Diet plays a significant role in modulating epigenetic mechanisms like DNA methylation and histone modification. Nutrients such as folate, vitamin B12, and omega-3 fatty acids are crucial for maintaining healthy methylation patterns, which are essential for fertility.

Folate and vitamin B12 support the methylation cycle, ensuring proper DNA methylation for reproductive processes such as gametogenesis and embryo development. Omega-3 fatty acids provide anti-inflammatory benefits that improve reproductive health. A nutrient-rich diet has been linked to improved fertility outcomes.

For instance, women who follow a Mediterranean diet—rich in folate, omega-3s, and antioxidants—have been shown to have better IVF success. A 2021 study in Human Reproduction found that women adhering to this diet exhibited healthier epigenetic profiles, leading to improved pregnancy rates and better reproductive outcomes.

Stress and epigenetics

Chronic stress disrupts normal epigenetic patterns, particularly DNA methylation, which can interfere with hormone regulation and ovulation. Elevated cortisol levels, the body’s main stress hormone, negatively impact the methylation of genes involved in reproductive health.

Studies have shown that women with high stress levels experience altered DNA methylation in genes related to reproductive health, contributing to conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and endometriosis. A 2022 study published in Epigenomics demonstrated that chronic stress-induced epigenetic changes interfere with hormone regulation, reducing fertility. Managing stress is, therefore, crucial for maintaining reproductive health and preventing long-term epigenetic disruptions.

Exercise and epigenetics

Regular exercise promotes favorable epigenetic changes that support fertility. Physical activity reduces DNA methylation in pro-inflammatory genes, creating a healthier reproductive environment. It also helps maintain hormonal balance and improves cellular function, both of which are essential for reproductive success.

Moderate physical activity before pregnancy has been associated with improved oocyte (egg) quality and increased fertility rates. Research suggests that regular exercise maintains a balanced epigenetic profile, supporting reproductive health and increasing the likelihood of conception.

Environmental toxins and epigenetics

Exposure to harmful chemicals, including phthalates, pesticides, and air pollutants, can negatively affect DNA methylation and histone modifications, disrupting reproductive health. Phthalates, found in plastics and personal care products, and pesticides in agricultural products have been shown to interfere with epigenetic regulation, leading to hormonal imbalances and infertility.

High levels of air pollution, in particular, have been linked to altered epigenetic markers in the placenta, which can contribute to complications during pregnancy and infertility. A 2021 study published in Environmental Health Perspectives found that exposure to air pollution altered DNA methylation patterns in the placenta, potentially leading to preterm birth and impaired fetal development.

Minimizing exposure to environmental toxins by using BPA-free products and reducing contact with pesticides and pollutants can help protect fertility and maintain healthy epigenetic regulation.

Epigenetic inheritance: Passing epigenetic changes to future generations

One of the most intriguing aspects of epigenetics is epigenetic inheritance—the passing of epigenetic changes from one generation to the next. Modifications that occur in reproductive cells (sperm and eggs) can be inherited by offspring, meaning that lifestyle choices made by one generation may impact the fertility and health of future generations.

For instance, studies on male mice have shown that a poor diet can alter DNA methylation patterns in sperm, and these changes are passed down to offspring, resulting in metabolic and reproductive problems. This suggests that today’s lifestyle choices—such as diet, stress management, and toxin exposure—could have lasting effects on the fertility of future generations, potentially contributing to rising infertility rates.

Can epigenetic changes be reversed?

The encouraging news is that epigenetic modifications are not always permanent. The concept of epigenetic plasticity means that lifestyle interventions can potentially reverse harmful changes. Positive choices, such as improving diet, engaging in regular exercise, and reducing toxin exposure, can help restore normal epigenetic patterns and improve fertility outcomes.

For example, clinical studies have shown that men who improve their diet and reduce toxin exposure show improved sperm DNA methylation, leading to better fertility outcomes. These findings underscore the importance of proactive lifestyle choices in reversing negative epigenetic changes and optimizing reproductive health.

Optimize fertility epigenetically

Given the potential for epigenetic changes to be modified, individuals can take proactive steps to optimize their fertility:

  • Follow a nutrient-dense, Mediterranean-style diet: Consuming a diet rich in folate, vitamin B12, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants can support healthy DNA methylation and histone modifications, improving reproductive outcomes.
  • Engage in regular exercise: Moderate physical activity promotes favorable epigenetic changes, reducing inflammation and improving egg and sperm quality, which can enhance fertility.
  • Manage stress: Reducing stress through mindfulness, yoga, or meditation can help regulate cortisol levels and prevent stress-induced epigenetic disruptions that negatively affect fertility.
  • Limit exposure to environmental toxins: Minimizing exposure to phthalates, pesticides, and air pollutants can help protect against harmful epigenetic changes that impair reproductive health.
  • Leverage epigenetic plasticity: Recognizing that epigenetic changes are often reversible, individuals can take comfort in the fact that improving lifestyle choices can help reverse harmful modifications, leading to better fertility outcomes for themselves and their future children.


Epigenetics provides a fascinating perspective on how lifestyle choices affect fertility by influencing gene expression through DNA methylation and histone modifications. Factors like diet, exercise, stress management, and environmental exposures not only impact an individual’s fertility but also shape the reproductive health of future generations through epigenetic inheritance.

The concept of epigenetic plasticity offers hope that negative epigenetic changes can be reversed through positive lifestyle choices. By making informed decisions, individuals can optimize their fertility and protect the reproductive potential of future generations.

Oluyemisi (Yemi) Famuyiwa is a renowned fertility specialist and founder, Montgomery Fertility Center, committed to guiding individuals and couples on their path to parenthood with personalized care. With a background in obstetrics and gynecology from Georgetown University Hospital and reproductive endocrinology and infertility from the National Institutes of Health, she offers cutting-edge treatments like IVF and genetic testing. She can be reached on, LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram @montgomeryfertility, and X @MontgomeryF_C.


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