When it Comes to Protecting Preborn Life, We Will Never Give Up

As the Republican National Convention kicks off this week in Milwaukee, and as I recently mentioned on my blog, political party platforms matter – especially when it comes to the sanctity of preborn life.

Many of us with pro-life convictions were disappointed last week when the GOP adopted a party platform that, while supporting the banning of third-trimester abortions, is silent regarding the first two trimesters. 

Meanwhile, the Democrat Party Platform endorses the codification of abortion rights and opposes any measure restricting the killing of preborn children. 

We can be grateful the GOP is unanimous that preborn life should be protected in the latter stages of a pregnancy, but 94% of all abortions occur in the first 15 weeks of development. The widespread distribution and legalization of the abortion pill has normalized and even privatized the taking of innocent life despite its grave health threats to both the baby and mother.   

Sadly, in our current environment, it appears that even Christians cannot fully agree on the legislative way forward. While most agree abortion is morally wrong, many have veered into unfortunate and unprincipled pragmatism. 

We’re aware of the electoral consequences and legislative limitations concerning preborn life. Today, fewer Americans are convictionally pro-life. Nevertheless, we cannot and will not tire in our effort and commitment to continue working towards a day when every life in every state is protected under law. We will never give up.

All children are deserving of protection. That life begins at conception is an irrefutable and undeniable fact. As such, a child’s fate should never be subject to the state they live in.

While it may not be legislatively or electorally feasible today, we must pray and patiently work towards the passage of laws that protect the life of every single innocent preborn child. 

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