You Belong to Me by Hayley Krischer (April 15)
This might be the only book on this list that’s not a capital-R romance, though sapphic romance plays a big part in this psychological thriller. If you, like me, are obsessed with pyramid schemes and especially those related to the beauty industry (think books like Rouge by Mona Awad), put this on your TBR.
Frances is paired up with Julia for a class project. Julia is not only kind of Frances’s crush, but she’s also the daughter of social media and wellness influencer Deena. Deena’s DEEP is known for its magical skincare products, sound baths, and more, and while Frances has never cared about it before, now that she’s been introduced to this world, she cannot get enough.
Being invited to an exclusive DEEP party shows Frances a whole side of Julia’s life that she cannot believe exists. Now, Frances is excited, feeling her best, and really looking forward to a deeper relationship with Julia.
Then a DEEP party goes sideways and suddenly, Frances begins to wonder if everything that was tempting her about Julia and her life was meant to be a distraction from something far more deadly.
The first time I read the description of this book, I wondered if the author knew what she did with her main character’s name. She has to, right?
Anyway, the earworm here is the only Taylor Swift title on the list and it’s the perfect one for the book. Yes, the book title and the Swift song are a word apart, but you cannot tell me that you aren’t hearing the song when you see the title anyway.